Breeders. Don't they know what "birth control" is used for?
That is all.
I need another blog like I need a(nother) hole in my head.
Breeders. Don't they know what "birth control" is used for?
That is all.
Posted by Ginny at 2:29 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Ginny at 1:05 PM 1 comments
Posted by Ginny at 11:25 AM 0 comments
[Episcopal News Service] Leaders of five mainline denominations have joined in a renewed call on Congress to oppose cuts to programs serving the poor in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Congress this week postponed consideration of the FY '06 federal budget reconciliation process, which would make deep cuts in programs that serve the working poor, children and seniors.
'In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it is clear that greater burdens on these programs such as Medicaid and the Food Stamp Program will occur,' said John Johnson, domestic policy analyst in the Episcopal Church's Office of Government Relations. 'The leaders of the Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church, USA, United Methodist Church and United Church of Christ have consistently opposed cuts to vital programs serving the least among us included in this year's federal budget"
Posted by Ginny at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Okay, new laptop computer, and I'm tinkering with layout and so on from Hello, after installing Hello and Picasa (Google products both of them). Then things are going to get even wiggier when I send stuff from Flickr...
One of the things that I never figured out before was how to get a simple line break in these posts from Hello's "Bloggerbot" image-sharing chat doohickey that sends posts to Blogger (to update this site, for example).
Apparently, it was too simple: I have to insert a
tag. A format that is deprecated by finer web gods everywhere. Silly of me not to think of it, since I'd noticed Blogger does some rather odd things with its code.
However, multiple images is easy: just add a ||
double pipe at the end of each caption, hit "enter", and the image is "queued." Do it several times, adding a new picture for each, and then hit "publish" when ready.
And there you have it. Multiple images and multiple paragraphs. It was driving me nuts because I'd have to open Blogger just to edit a big block of text into more reasonable paras.
So why didn't they make a simple "paragraph/queue image" button, instead of hiding this keyboard shortcut deep in a user help forum buried in Googlegroups? Don't know; I'm just happy to have figured it out.
And now, I shall contemplate the Zen of it.
Posted by Ginny at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 1:42 PM 0 comments
We were accidental tourists that day in May... first to arrive after the accident occured, called emergency services, found people who had first aid experience, and tried to keep the two kids that were in this car calm. The driver had a few cuts, his friend had to be cut out. He got off with only a broken leg. The driver of the other car (a truck) looked fine, but eventually a doctor that happened by was drafted to get him into a neck collar and keep him calm before they could all be transported. There's a nurse under the white blanket, keeping a blood pressure cuff on the young man, because we had no idea if he was bleeding (internally or externally). The passenger door was bent in a sharp "V," pinning him in his seat and making it impossible to tell how bad his injuries were. It took an hour for them to get him out and on his way to the nearest hospital, which fortunately wasn't as far away as Seattle... but then, it was still half an hour away.
Posted by Ginny at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Two weeks to the day and now there are more reports of explosions in London.
Posted by Ginny at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Corriere della Sera - I clic dall'incubo scattati dai sopravvissuti: "E' circolata subito su Internet, rilanciata dai vari fotoblog che raccoglievano materiale sulle bombe di Londra. Non e' l'unica. Basta andare sul sito per avere un'idea. E' un diario di immagini da condividere, in maggioranza prese dall�esterno. Un giornale online comunque prezioso. C' Marty che ha inquadrato una coda inconsueta per il traghetto a Canary Wharf che ricorda un po' quelle di New York 11 settembre: d' l'idea della citt' bloccata che cerca di tornare a casa. GinnyRed57 con il suo cellulare ha ripreso un avviso scritto su una lavagna di scuola o di un asilo. "Please do not inform children of the... explosions". Per favore non informate i bambini. Forse Ginny e' una maestra, forse una bidella. Di certo coglie un elemento cruciale, che torner' a preoccupare nei prossimi giorni le famiglie (non solo inglesi): cosa dire ai bambini."
Posted by Ginny at 5:02 PM 0 comments
""There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray you, love, remember. And there is pansies, that's for thoughts."
~ William Shakespeare ~
"The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours
The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours, and yours and yours.
A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause.
For the peace of the years
In the long green grass
Will be yours, and yours and yours."
~ Violette Szabo ~
Posted by Ginny at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Himalayan Blue Poppy - Butchart Gardens, Victoria BC. This is the "signature" flower of Butchart and as it happens we were there when they were in bloom.
Posted by Ginny at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Fear, Fear, she's the mother of Violence,
Don't make any sense to watch the way she breed.
Fear, she's the mother of Violence,
Making me tense to watch the way she feed.
The only way you know she's there
Is the subtle flavor in the air.
Getting hard to breathe,
Getting hard to believe in anything at all
But Fear. (Peter Gabriel)
Posted by Ginny at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ginny at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Planning for the "Holy Rollers" Classic Car Show is starting to pick up speed - it's July 10th from 9am to 3pm at Holy Innocents.
(this is more or less a test post - I'll be adding Flickr photos shortly)
Posted by Ginny at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Since all the recent comments point toward similar sounding shopping sites, it appears that a spammer is laboriously trying to leave their droppings by hand.
This is not a good idea, spammer. Blogger is just too... slow for that to pay off.
For now, only registered users will be able to comment (not that I ever got that many on this site). If the spamming continues, I'll disable comments.
The spammer does get one half point for bothering to make relevant comments, however.
Posted by Ginny at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Yep, I'm probably going to hell for this: I've started a store on Cafe Press.
What do you think of them lilies, er, apples? I already bought the tote for myself so I can haul church-related crap and junk and files and music around with me.
More designs to follow - we're doing a classic car show in July, and I wanted people that are volunteering for it a chance to buy T-shirts to wear for the event and other projects or work parties we do.
I may have to move the one "joke" T-shirt to a different store, but I wanted at least one funny one on there. We'll see.
Coming soon - more general T-shirts and stuff with an Episcopalian motif. Such as "Pet me, I'm Episcopawlian" for a dog shirt. And more bad joke hilarity ensues.
Posted by Ginny at 8:42 PM 0 comments
You have to join the Browncoats to get tickets to the sneak previews, which will be held in one of 10 cities on May 5th: Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Las Vegas, Portland OR, Sacramento, San Francisco, Seattle.
The movie doesn't officially come out until September 30th: Joss Whedon is throwing the ravening fans a bone here. Come out and see the Big Damn Movie already.
Posted by Ginny at 8:08 AM 0 comments
In a miraculous development, Dr. Bruce Banner has emerged from a persistent vegetable state. Dr. Banner suffers from a variant of Oppositional Defiant Syndrome called "tantrumoid broccoline giantitis."
He is currently resting comfortably, but there is no telling how long he will be in remission. He might want to look into filing a Living Green Will so that his wishes are followed by his caregiver. It should be very simply formatted as the caregiver speaks only very limited English:
Posted by Ginny at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Okay, the picture is crap, but it was a momentous occasion: the first and last live performance of the Bubblewrap Ballet.
Posted by Ginny at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Japanese Garden. The teahouse is only used maybe once a year. I've never seen it open. On my big trip to the real Japan, I went to a famous garden in Nara... and the teahouse there was open. That was in the fall, and the colors were gorgeous. I really should scan those photos and upload them.
Posted by Ginny at 11:11 PM 3 comments
Chicago Botanic Garden/Sensory Garden... oh, yes, spring is nearly here. I've added another sub-album to the CBG gallery. In a couple of weeks, the hillsides will one solid mass of daffodils. Heaven.
Posted by Ginny at 11:07 PM 1 comments
Also taken with the HP. Taken in Yorkshire, England September 2003, on the footpath "over the tops" between Kettlewell and Grassington.
Posted by Ginny at 9:11 PM 0 comments