Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Okay, the picture is crap, but it was a momentous occasion: the first and last live performance of the Bubblewrap Ballet.

Japanese Garden. The teahouse is only used maybe once a year. I've never seen it open. On my big trip to the real Japan, I went to a famous garden in Nara... and the teahouse there was open. That was in the fall, and the colors were gorgeous. I really should scan those photos and upload them.

Chicago Botanic Garden/Sensory Garden... oh, yes, spring is nearly here. I've added another sub-album to the CBG gallery. In a couple of weeks, the hillsides will one solid mass of daffodils. Heaven.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Spring can't come soon enough for me.

Also taken with the HP. Taken in Yorkshire, England September 2003, on the footpath "over the tops" between Kettlewell and Grassington.

Taken with an HP digital camera (now sold, specs unavailable)

Slightly edited using Picasa software.

Obligatory Cat Picture (he's in there somewhere)